Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The thing happened very fast. And this is what I call fate. What was happened give me an impression about the greatness of Allah. I am thankful to Allah all my daughters, husband and me safe from the accident. I & husband still felt the pain at our neck, maybe impact from the accident. Hopefully it will be no longer. But I really worried when my husband claim that he felt glad around his neck. I advice him to meet a doctor again. To make sure about this problem.

Though the accident look like very minor accident. I am so afraid that night. It happened in sudden. My eldest daughter shock when our car been hit by Putra. I really don’t understand how come the guy hit our car, because it is a traffic light. And red light just change to green. My husband just moved and suddenly we been hit.
Can’t he see the road is moving slow, also in front of us just happened an accident?

All my daughters are crying. At that time I am so afraid of damia because she is standing at passenger area, while me actually holding fathiah. Ohhh. She just five month. Syasya… sat at the back. All crying make me panic. I can see my husband so angry and He couldn’t hold his angry. ^#%$@#@%$#$@!$#!#$! Muhasabah is the best word. Remind me the mistakes that I have done, and improve it.

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